Next level of logistic services
MAHAR LIN HTET company was established in 2004 , is mainly engaged in : Building and Decoration Materials ( trade ) company , since its inception , the business has grown in strength , and gradually become a norm complete , experienced a wide range of decorative building materials company . Adhering to the ” high quality, sincere service” and “unity, innovation, professionalism and dedication” spirit of enterprise , MHLH new materials Prudential is willing to work with you to create a ” living space and create a better future for mankind .”- Company land area : 6.8 acres( 27800SQM )
- Construction logistics warehouse:7800SQM
- Logistics truck : 18 ( Distribution coverage :Yangon - Bago - Naypitaw - Mandanlay - Pyay - Moneywar )
- Office:630SQM
- Living Quarters (or ) Hostel:600SQM
- Dining Room:250SQM
Company construction of land plan
Our next step is importing the decorative building materials from international to extend our business and to fulfill the business requirements to become the developing country using the good quality of materials.
Kyei Kabar Co.,Ltd
Kyei Kabar Co.,Ltd is the branch of Mahar Lin Htet Trading Co.,Ltd distribution the Pvc panel and Upvc Frame wholesale or retail.
Glass Palace
Glass Palace Co.,Ltd is the branch of Kyei Kabar Co.,Ltd distribution the mirror,clear float glass,color float glass, reflective glass,pattern glass whole sale or retail.
Our branches in Pyay, Bago, Monywar, Mandalay also servicing our customers. We invite you to see the products for your project and our staff will be happy to assist you in choosing the items best suited to your design .You can pick up your materials while at our showroom or we can deliver it to you door depends on the order quantity. MHLH Building Materials also stocks the tools and supplies the servicing anytime you need.